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What is Sustainable Development?

As Charles Dickens had said, that we live in the best of times and in the worst of times. So to end the worst of times humans have thought of Sustainable Development, which means social and economic development for our future generations, so they don't need to suffer from the deficiency of nutrients and minerals for their growth and daily uses. There are many ways we can follow sustainable development through permaculture.


Sustainable Development in 2020. Farming in 2020.
Natural Farming


Farmers have achieved a lot in agriculture and vegetation through science and technology. Still, there are few flaws, the vegetables and fruits grown through harmful chemicals, and fertilizers grows very fast. But it is very unhealthy for living creatures, and on the other hand, organic farming is being practised significantly less, especially in India, so it can't found quickly. Organic products are comparatively expensive; thus, many people cannot afford it.


It is another major problem which affects agriculture. It has been noticed that men produce 40% fewer crops than woman though women get less share and acknowledgement than men. If we treated all genders appropriately, it would make an impact on the speed of farming.


In the next ten years, energy usage is expected to increase by 50%. More use of energy means more use of minerals if we would conserve energy-generating minerals humans will only benefit in future, so we all can do our bit to save electricity.

Permaculture in 2020. Students & Activist in 2020. Jai Kishan Jai Jawan. Skill India. Make in India. Famers in 2020
Permaculture Practice for a Better Future

What are the most critical issues of today's time, and how Permaculture address's those issue?

Deforestation - As modern agriculture mainly focuses on the immense tracts of cultivated monocrops, there is less biodiversity in farms. Permaculture can also be done within natural boundaries; there is no need to cut trees.

Air pollution - The issue of corruption is severe. However, a sound permaculture system always reuses as much as possible and most importantly, the society we live in should also learn to reuse and recycle. We should always look for ways which cause less or no pollution.

So let's do everything to end the worse times so we would not need to live in the worst times!

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